I love to contribute where I used to work, Cyber Security, Web Development, Premium Domains, and Marketing stuff in my opinion. I have been writing blogs since 2012.

WordPress Theme Development

Create WordPress Theme

If you don’t have any prior web programming knowledge, making a WordPress theme can be a little difficult, but I can provide you a basic framework to get started. In the WordPress themes directory, make a new folder: Make a new folder for your theme in the “wp-content/themes” section of your WordPress installation. Create WordPress…

WordPress sites at risk

84k WordPress sites at risk as Multiple plugins vulnerable

WordPress sites at risk – More than 84000+ sites installed vulnerable plugins by the same author! 3 Plugins were found containing the vulnerability that could attacker to pretend as administrator! WordFence helps in finding the trails, by testing multiple plugins offered on WordPress Plugin Directory by the same author. WF Threat handling Department reported on…

Undefined index revolution slider error

Undefined index: Revolution Slider Error

Undefined index Revolution Slider – Revolution Slider is an beast Slider Plugin for WordPress. Great Features and handy User Interface with incredible support for slides of pictures, videos and even more potential enhancing for presentations. Revolution is huge plugin with countless possibilities to draw maximum fancy layout of any-page. Undefined index Revolution Slider error is…